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What is Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS)?

PBIS includes school-wide procedures, using a positive and proactive approach, intended for all students and all staff in all settings. Teachers use specific strategies to explain in detail the routines and procedures for a safe, orderly learning environment in which students can learn, teachers can teach, and everyone is safe. We have created the “Bear” Essentials for Success!
We have adopted a consistent set of school-wide rules and procedures for areas in our school. These expectations for behavior are displayed on a unified matrix (“Bear” Essentials for Success), and you will see posters throughout the school promoting positive behavior. All teachers, staff, and students will consistently use the same language and behaviors throughout the school.  The teachers and staff teach five principles to your child during the first few weeks of school:


          "Bear" Essentials for Success - The 3 Bs:

          Be Kind

          Be Respectful

          Be Your Best


 As part of the research-based PBIS process, we do the following when teaching behaviors:

  • Explicitly teach and frequently refer to our school-wide expectations.

  • Provide students with more praise than correction.

  • Talk to students with respect, using a positive tone of voice.

  • Actively engage everyone in the class during instruction.

  • Use pre-correcting, prompting, redirecting, and reteaching.

  • Look for the positive first and provide immediate, frequent, and explicit feedback.

What does PBIS look like, sound like, and feel like?

The “Bear” Essentials for Success matrix is posted throughout all areas of our school building. Teachers model behaviors that show students how to act in the different areas of the building throughout the school day. The specific areas of focus are the hallway/walkway, recess dismissal, theater, restroom, and cafeteria, with reinforcement taught in the classroom.  

Does PBIS work?

PBIS takes 3-5 years to fully implement. During the first few years, the PBIS Leadership Team is constantly reviewing data and receiving input from teachers so that adjustments to the program as needed.

What are Bear Paws?

Bear Paws are given to students who exhibit the “Bear” Essentials for Success. These notes may be sent home with your student as a means of communication or accumulated to earn special individual or classroom acknowledgements.

PBIS Files

PBIS Matrix

PBIS Links Home Page